Advokatfirmaet Stiegler AS

Advokatfirmaet Stiegler AS

Adresse : Fortunen 1, 5013 Bergen
Telefon : 55 21 54 00
Hjemmeside :

Kontaktperson: Thomas Lynum
Telefon: : 92613044
E-post :

Core Business Matrix : Stiegler is a well trusted and dedicated law firm based in Bergen. Our expertise spans the complexities of Defence and Security procurement. With updated knowledge on the Norwegian defence authorities, we offer our clients value adding guidance on bid strategy  and management, contract negotiations, contract administration, dispute resolution and contract close out. Further we advise and assist on Industrial Cooperation Agreements. At Stiegler, we have significant hands-on experience in negotiating MOD contracts, and our defence sector lawyers can view complex projects from all angles, to deliver straightforward, effective advice. Our international legal network is duly covered by our membership in Eurojuris.

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