NDIS 2024

Welcome to the bi-annual Nordic Defence Industry Seminar (NDIS). NDIS 2024 is hosted by Norway and takes place at Sundvolden 48 km northwest of Oslo.

NDIS 2024  is arranged by  the Norwegian Ministry of Defence, the Norwegian Defence Materiel Agency, The Norwegian Armed Forces and the Norwegian Defence and Security Industries Association, FSi.

NDIS is organized within the framework of the Nordic Defence Cooperation (NORDEFCO). The main aim and purpose of NORDEFCO is to strengthen the participating nations’ defence, explore common synergies and facilitate efficient common solutions. NDIS allows for networking, knowledge exchange, business-to-business, and government-to-business that supports the NORDEFCO aim.

The event will include seminars and discussions with speakers including representatives of the Norwegian Ministry of Defence and key industry leaders from the Nordic countries. There will also be an exhibition of primarily the Nordic defence industries.

Some main topics addressed at NDIS 2024:

The Nordic nations gathered in NATO
Implications for armed forces and defence planning
Opportunities for co-operation
Future investments

NDIS typically attracts around 300 attendees and will be a great opportunity to meet and network with decision-makers from the Nordic governments, armed forces, industry, and stakeholders.

The event will start with an icebreaker on the afternoon/evening of 17 September. This will be an opportunity for you to register for the event and network with other participants. Drinks and snacks will be served.

18 and 19 September are seminar days. Day 1 of the seminar ends with a joint dinner with room for networking. Day 2 on 19 September will finish with a joint lunch.

Location: Sundvolden Hotel, Dronningveien 2, 3531 Krokkleiva. 48 Km NW of Oslo. 

How to get there:. By car from Oslo: Follow E-18 Westward to Sandvika, then E-16 in the direction of Hønefoss and Bergen. Bus Nr. 200 from Oslo to Sundvollen (direction Hønefoss,) 58 minutes. Bus information on www.ruter.no

Sponsorship: Interested in being a sponsor for NDIS 2024?  Contact , phone +47 900 66 090.  

Please come back to this page for updated programme.

Registration link: https://events.provisoevent.no/nho/events/ndis-2024/register


Draft Programme:

Day 1, September 17:

1900 Registration           

1930 Reception               


Day 2, 18 September: Changed Security Policy Context

0700-0900 Breakfast     

0800-0900 Future Procurement Plans in the Nordic countries

0900-0910 Opening and welcome

0910-0930 Key Note by Ine Eriksen Søreide, Chair, Standing Committee of Foreign Affairs and Defence

Topic 1: The Nordic Countries in NATO

0930-1015 Implications for the defence in the Nordic Countries.  Military Perspectives

1015-1045 BREAK           

1045-1130 The Defence Industry's Perspectives

1130-1150 Nordic co-operation in a Changed Security Context

1200-1330 Lunch and Exhibition


Theme 2: NATO Procurements

1330-1530 NATO Procurements

1530-1800 B2B sessions/ Exhibition

1800-1830 Time at your own disposal   

1830 Aperitif     

1900 Royal Norwegian Ministry of Defence speech

1930 Dinner      


Day 3, 19 September: Changed Security Policy Context

0700-0900 Breakfast/ check-out             

0900-1000 NATO Acquisition Procurements continued

1000-1100 Break             

Theme 3: Ukraine

11:00 – 13:00 To be announced

1300 Lunch        

1400 Exhibition / B2B meetings

1600 End of exhibition

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